
Thursday, February 03, 2011

[Windows GPO] Permitindo Acesso Remoto a usuários.

GPO Editor
Atributos alterados:

Nó Computer Configuration:

+ Windows Settings
 + Security Settings
  + Local Policies
   + User Rights Assigment
    - Allow log on through Terminal Services
      |X| Define these policy settings:
       * Adicionar o grupo que deve ter acesso remoto ao computador

- Administrative Templates 
 + Network
  + Network Connections
   + Windows Firewall
    + Domain Profile
     - Windows Firewall: Allow inbound Remote Desktop exceptions = ENABLED
 + Windows Components
  + Terminal Services
   + Terminal Server
    + Connections
     - Allow user to connect remotely using Terminal Services = ENABLED

e agora o segredinho:

 wmic RDPermissions Where "TerminalName='RDP-Tcp'" Call AddAccount "dominio\grupo",2

    * Faça um script .BAT e chame pela mesma GPO no startup da maquina.

depois de feito tudo isso:

gpupdate /target:computer /force

Testei esta GPO com XP, Windows 7.

Microsoft´s Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Team Blog
Microsoft´s Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Start Page 
Microsoft´s WMI Code Creator
The Daily Reviewer | non-admin users connect to remote desktop 

Monday, January 10, 2011

[Sites] - Uma referência de linha de comandos para Bancos de Dados e Sistemas Operacionais

Boa tarde! Interrompo o meu apertado ritmo de trabalho para iniciar este blog com um site para vocês que fazem a TI funcionar.

O site traz referencias completas para a linha de comando de bancos de dados MS-SQL e Oracle e os Sistemas Operacionais: Linux, OS X e Windows, além de referencias para VBScript e Windows PowerShell.

[]´s, .a-

Monday, August 10, 2009

Clearing the screen after bash logout in linux

From the 'To stupid to anyone´s care about writing this down...' there´s a way to clear the screen just after you logout of a linux shell...  After looking around hard, I found this tip from a newsgroup archive.
Edit the /etc/profile file adding at the top of the file:
    trap clear 0
This will clear the console screen irrespective of which VT that's in use or who's using it. It's just a single entry in one file. And if you have a configured /etc/issue file configured it will display it.